Sunday, March 06, 2005

Always the bad balanced with the good…

First, Mom and Dad and the brother and I lived together.
Then, Mom and the brother and I lived together.
Then, Mom and I lived together.
Then I went to live in an all girls dorm, but I spent most of my time with Kev and Hugh.
Then Mom and the brother and I were back together!
Then it was Kev and I and Hugh, then just Kev and I, then Kev and Hugh together with me with two girls, then Hugh and I (with Laur and Kev back in the Sarn).
Now it’s Hugh and Laur living together.

So, what is this confusing and altogether tiring tirade heading toward?

This summer, what was supposed to be Mom and the brother and I together, just turned into Mom and I- and possibly Lauren!
Way to make a full circle of it. I know this is ridiculously preliminary, but I love this idea. I’ve been looking forward to bunking with Mom again, and I’ve always wanted to live with Laur (heck- I’ve tried everything else)!

Oh, and a great congratulations goes out to the little bro for finding himself a place to live- it sounds like it’s going to be a veritable bachelor pad! Good times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the congrats.

And yeah, it should be fun...!

-The Brother (aka. James)