Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I love that I love this so much!

Okay, so if you've looked at my blog at all lately, I'm sure you've noticed that I added a *working* Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince countdown. Totally aside from how cool it is to have something so visual on my page (since I'm a no-pictures kind of blogger), it's no secret that I'm a Potter fan.
I just found out that the Scholastic marketing plan for this book begins on the 100th day before release (it boggles my mind that they're even bothering with marketing; this book is selling itself really well already), but as a fan who plans to reap all the benefits she can out of this promotion, I'm not complaining.
What I'm looking forward too most? There's going to be a Harry Potter crossword in the New York Times- I've gotta get my hands on that!
Anyone know where I can get the Times in Hamilton?

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