Thursday, February 07, 2008

Apparently Mother Nature reads my blog

So, I wrote last time complaining about the cold without the benefit of any pretty snow, the ground being all bare and ugly.
And the next day it snows! And snows and snows, until they close the office early and we all get to go home. Hooray! (Not to mention my performance review gets put off till Monday. Yay! But it went fine, when it happened.)
And then yesterday (less than a week later), it snows again! And snows, and snows, until they close the office and everyone obediently leaves. Hooray!
At this rate, it's going to become a weekly event.
Well, thanks M.N., but this is plenty, really. I have some plans for my birthday next week, and it would be good if the city wasn't at a standstill for them.

Big plans for this weekend; I'm finally getting around to the lasagna day with the brother, and then it's Laur's birthday, so we're dining out Sunday night (locale undecided). I was talking to her last night, and we've also decided to do a long weekend in New York, but that's not until May. Still, we're very excited. Lauren wants to do cheesy tourist things, and I can't see anything wrong with that. I have to make a list of where to go and what to see!

And planning for Britain continues. Dates have been suggested, and as soon as England Aunt confirms, a flight will be booked (a flight! It's really real!). And Mom's taken over the Mexico research, but she's keeping me posted. At this rate, I'm thinking about so many vacation spots, I'm starting to feel like a travel agent.

Anyways, I gotta get to work. Have a good day, all!

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