Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A busy week, to say the least

Sorry for the drought in blog updates-exams, you understand.
Laur came over last Sunday and we spent a couple of days relaxing, hanging out, catching up, and starting to pack up my room. I owe her a big thanks for the help.
Finished work at both my jobs this week, too. Leaving is intense, but I’ve known for awhile that it was coming, so it’s not that bad. At the bead store Deb gave me a gift certificate as a bonus and going away gift, which was super sweet of her, and I’ve decided to save it till I can come back there- it’ll be my excuse to visit.
Wrote one exam on Saturday, it went fairly well, and then trudged through the VERY cold rain to meet Mom and Michael, who drove me to Toronto so I’d be able to make it to Passover dinner at Aunt Rose’s. That was a wonderful night, and I had the best time.
Sunday was cutting fruit, a rock and gem show with Mom, and dinner with Michael’s family, which was only terribly awkward at first. No, honestly, it wasn’t that bad.
And then two interviews for jobs in North York on Monday, one of which looks pretty promising. I’ll tell you more if something comes of it.
Came back to Hamilton that night, which was strange- Toronto is really starting to feel more like ‘home’, I think because of Mom’s new place, and the knowledge that everything in I had in Hamilton- school, jobs, friends, house- is all ended or ending.
Studied a little and had my final exam early this morning.
I have two days left to pack, and I move on Friday. Mom is renting a truck and Michael will be coming with her, but neither of them is very good for the lifting and loading stuff, so I’ve sent out a cry of ‘help!’ to my friends. It’s difficult getting organized- everyone is so scattered and busy this time of year, it’s a huge production just to get two of us together in the same place at the same time. Hopefully we can all work something out by Friday, and that’s all I’m going to write, because otherwise it’ll sound manipulative, and a lot like begging, which is not my intention.
Anyways, I’m going to dinner now, talk later!

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