Thursday, May 12, 2005

Found a moment to write

I can't believe I've been reduced to this, but I'm blogging on a campus computer during a break in my design class. I guess a busy girl's gotta do what a busy girl's gotta do, but the fact is that I really am getting fed up with the disconnectedness this schedule is beginning to instill in my day-to-days.
I got an angry email from Shesh this morning for being unreachable girl lately, and I had to cut a phonecall with Hugh short the other night, and have yet to get back to either of them.
Okay, so I'm busy, you get the gist.
On the other hand, I'm learning a lot, (like, supersized learning), and I'm getting everything done (so far, and at the expense of some, very small but vital, amount of sleep).
My classmates and I are getting long well, still trying to remember each others names (I think I'm losing the race on that one, but so far no one seems to be holding that against me), and the teachers and guest speakers who've been coming to see us continue to be really interresting and positive about our future. It's not like University, where, if they spoke about future profession at all, it was always in amorphous might-happen-but-probably-not-for-most-of-you terms. Here, it's always "when you're out in the world doing this...", or "When you get a book that you want to look like this...", or "when you're publishers...", or (from a particularily optimistic speaker), "when you're the head of the company..."
I love it. It's like it's real. A career.
I didn't mean to make that sound so cheesy.

I'm trying my best to keep school from becoming my whole life.
The job is going well (have I mentioned the job?). A jewelry counter in the mall, small but apparently profitable, fun so far, easy going, and they give the a great friggin discount- Mom's doing flips. (So am I).

Oh, I just remembered something I've been waiting to blog about for the longest time, but have been waiting to do- my masterpiece.
I made this little beaded thingie (doll, objet d'art, whatever), and I gave it to Hugh (the first one, anyway). It stared out simple, and kind of just grew. It turned out kind of...impressive. I feel weird writing that, like, prideful or whatever, but people seem to like the thing, that's all I know. We (the fam) went to my aunt's house for passover and I showed it to my uncle, who was pretty jazzed about it. We talked art for a god long time, which was pretty damn cool. My uncle (cousin, technically, or second cousin, whatever) is a woodcarver. He gave me a block of soapstone- I'm going to try and make my own faces for my next spirit dolls. Though I already have two other faces waiting to be worked with. That'll take some time. Right now I'm working on a strand of lime coloured pearls.

Anyways, my time is up here. Blog more if the chance ever presents itself! Love to all!

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