Friday, May 06, 2005

I guess it's a whole new life...

Toronto is intense.
I moved here exactly a week ago (go me!), and this week has been SOOO long! I would have blogged about it much sooner, but…
Okay, to start at the beginning- the move went well, smooth and not too terribly long, and the only casualty was my keyboard, which was promptly replaced, hence the wordage you’re all now receiving. (P.S; R.I.P. my keyboard, which died untimely of a Vanilla Coke drowning).
Great big thanks to Mom and Michael and most especially to Hugh, couldn’t have done it without you. Now if only I didn’t have to do it ever again…
Spent Saturday recovering energy (not very successfully, blamed mostly on my mother, who seems to think that 9:30am is sleeping in), and trying to sort/unpack boxes. Also not very successfully, as I am right now sitting surrounded by, you guessed it, boxes.
Sunday we went shopping. Desperately needed, and I actually got some nice stuff, stuff I needed (as she keeps reminding me), though I mourn the spending of that much money, which could have bought…so…MANY…books…
And Monday was the beginning of school! (Yeah, great summer vacation for me, right, two days? *Laughter sodden with sarcasm*) (I want to know who decided that sarcasm was a liquid. Now there’s a leap I wouldn’t have made on my own.)
My new program (four months of the Creative Book Publishing Program at Humber College in Toronto, for those of you who can’t keep up here), is well, let’s just say it accounts for a lot of that ‘intense’ comment this entry started with. Eight hours a day (give or take), with an hour lunch, lots of classes, tons of teachers/lecturers and guests, and an amazing amount of information. I have no doubt that this will be hard, but so far I am Really enjoying it; it’s interesting and the people I’m meeting are amazing. My classmates are the most diverse, eclectic group I could never have imagined, and we’re getting to know each other and everyone is friendly and we’re having a lot of fun (or at least, I am). It’s fantastic to get to spend time with a very large group of people…just like me.
A true biblioholist may encounter another, maybe, once every long while, and usually only in the context of a bookstore. The meeting is most often a fleeting one- generally we’re lone nomads of the darkest aisles. But here, oh, here I have found an entire fleet of us, a pack, a… a band of biblioholists. (Forgive me, I’m very tired).
Talking books all day is fucking fantastic.

And that’s where I’m going to end this, even though there is much more to this week that I intend to enter here at some point, I’m afraid it’ll have to be a second part to this entry; I’m beat, and there’s still much to do…

Oh, I strongly suggest you all go listen to the Garden State soundtrack (trust me, and simultaneously forgive me for not telling you this earlier!), and read…something. Always.

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