Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thank Goodness for Hassles and Screwups

Okay, so the other day I'm at school, and I have no money on me, and the ATM is broken. No big deal. I try to call Mom at lunch, on the pay phone, to make plans for after school. I use my credit card, I dial her office, no answer, I hang up before the answering machine answers. I call her cell, same thing. I cease and desist trying to get in touch with my elusive mother, go to the college bookstore and buy a couple of books for class. Then I go to class. During break, I attempt one last time to contact Mom. My card gets turned down by the phone. WTF? I'm miles from my limit, it worked an hour ago, and it's the same phone. What's the deal? I get pissed, go home at the end of the day and call the bank.
They froze my card. They thought it was stolen. (The books I bought weren't THAT expensive!)
They have me confirm my recent charges.
Books? Yes.
Phone calls? Yes.
Monthly deposite to an internet service provider [I'm worried it might not be right to put the name down]...wait. No. Nooooooooooo.
They say I've been paying said internet company for many months!
Thank you for informing me.
(Eventually) I get in contact with Internet Service Provider Extrordinaire. Hello, why are you taking my money?
Blah, blah, mistake, blah, blah, confirmed inactivity, blah...refund.
I'm aware that technically it was already my money, and that it's not free, and it's not really a pleasant surprise, whatever. It still feels like an unexpected windfall. Yay me.
So, I guess the moral of this story is...thank goodness for hassles and screwups.

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