Thursday, May 26, 2005

Design class again

Okay, so it's very pathetic that the only time I can find to blog is during breaks in my design class, which is sadly only once a week (I enjoy it so), but I'm tired of saying I'll blog more, blah blah blah.
So I won't.
Friday was awesome. Lauren was back in town, along with Kevin and Mark, and we all got together and went out for Indian food and watched movies and basically got as relaxed as possible. Much needed vegging occurred.
Saturday I worked, then sprang my frinds on my Mom (oops), and everyone crashed despite the best of intentions to watch all three Starwars movies.
Sunday, work again, then Michael, Mom, the brother and I went to Buffalo for shopping. That was fun, though I am ashamed to admit that I was actually out-shopped by my brother. He did VERY well indeed.
I did okay. There's always room for more shopping.
Speaking of which, my fingers are itching for the new Coldplay CD. Anyone heard it? It's the first thing other than a book that I've really wanted sinse I started this class.
Oh, and about books. Read 'The Time Traveler's Wife' By A-something Niffenegger (I think that's the name). VERY GOOD READ. (Mostly for the ladies, though).
Anyways, I've slipped, once again, into rambling mode, so despite the lack of usual or consistent updates, I'm logging off, folks. Hopefully I'll have earth-shatteringly interresting news later, though honestly there ain't much on the horizon.
Except the family reunion, over a month away, which I am eagerly awaiting. And the fact that Mom has threatened to evict me if my room isn't clean and unpacked in two weeks.
Hello homelessness! My new address: cardboard box, crap-filled alleyway, Toronto Ontario.

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