Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Okay, so I had a post that I wrote a couple of days ago, but for some reason this computer refused to publish it for me, and I got frustrated and walked away from it, so that's my explanation for the long silence. My post was short, just a quick update on how busy I've been having fun down here, doing a ton of stuff like kayaking, hiking, boating, bike riding, shopping, eating, fishing and more. We've been out in the gorgeous sun every day and my skin has lost that mid-Canadian-winter pallor, and I think I've also successfully undone the month-and-a-half's gym time I've put in so far (the food here is amazing, and the fam reunion has always been a time for indulgence- it just usually only goes on for a couple of days).
Though, believe it or not, I'm not totally horrified at the idea of going home. Don't get me wrong- I love this place, and my aunt's condo is fantastic (with many, many thanks to her for letting me stay here), and spending time with Mom again is great- but I'm also starting to miss my own bed, my own computer, my cats and my apartment, not to mention my friends.
Things I'm not missing? Keeping track of days (I know it's Wednesday, and I know March starts soon, but I get a little fuzzy if you ask me for anything more specific than that), the slushy streets, the salt-stained pant legs, and lugging home large heavy groceries like cat food and pop in -20 degree weather.
As for now, I'm going to leave the soft glow of the computer go lie beside the pool.

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