Thursday, October 04, 2007

The continued piled-on-edness of my days

I’ve been having a pretty good week. Last week was tough; work really got me down, I was having some serious issues with my job, and then someone gave me a reason to really question whether I wanted to stay in my job (yes, I’m being deliberately vague). But this weekend was particularly effective for stress relief, as Kev came into town and spent a couple of days hanging out with Hugh and I, and as it was Hugh’s birthday, we went out Saturday night with him and his med-student crowd and had a great time. By Sunday I was calm once more, thinking a lot more clearly, and knew that I couldn’t leave my job just yet. I still have stuff to do there.
Which is even more true this week, as my long-term projects list continues to grow, making my to-do list (which usually covers a couple of days at a time) huge- right now I know what I’m doing at work well into the new year.
But, despite the continued piled-on-edness of my days, the week’s been good. I’m taking a pottery class with a friend that started on Tuesday, and I’m so excited about it. The class is all female, and not heavily octogenarian, which I’d worried about. The teacher seems to know his stuff (he’s maybe a little rambly, but that’s okay), and the class has great supplies to work with, which is good, because all my experience comes from high school, where we had all of three glazes to work with (unimpressive). This class has more slips and glazes and other things that I’d never heard of than I can count, and it makes me super excited to get my hands into the mud. The first class, I make a set of sake cups. Regardless of the fact that I don’t drink sake.
And I’m totally looking forward to this weekend. The brother and I are going to try and do our own Thanksgiving (wish us luck), and then Sunday we’re hanging out with the Robins, who are moving into yet another new temporary place on Friday. And Monday I think I’m being made to groom Eggroll (the brother’s dog), since I stupidly did a really good job on him last time, and now the brother has decided that I’m going to be the one to do that from now on. Oh well- I have yet to tell him what I charge!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't help but notice that we are no longer referring to me as "the brother"...

I miss the anonymity. ;)