Friday, June 27, 2008

Bon voyage to me!

Okay, I'm calm again. Excited, but calm.
After finally getting my boarding pass last night, I went out with some old friends to have dinner. Hugh, Kev, Laur and I haven't done that in a long time (its been quite a while since we were even in the same place at the same time, and I loved it). There was good food, talk, and lots of laughing. It was a fantastic send-off.
And I even convinced Laur to stay over last night, netting myself a free ride to the airport, which is hugely appreciated. I've got a boarding pass, I've got a ride, I've got a friend with me- this all adds up to a totally unstressful travel day.
In any case, I should get on with it.
Bon voyage to me!

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