Sunday, February 13, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Well, fair readers, it's finally arrived. My birthday is here (as of thirty-two minutes ago), and I am twenty-four.
Wow that's a big number.
Well, I guess, technically, I'm not really twenty-four for another...seventeen hours or so (that right Mom?). That's when the namesake of this blog comes true. Fairly proud I've made it this far...

Really tired, so forgive the randomness of this blog.

Instructions from Lauren on what to do today (well, today after sleep. Sunday day, if that's any more clear):
Live it up. It's all about you - eat icing for breakfast. Wear socks that don't match just because you like them together. Stay in bed as of 7pm. Floss with licorice. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

I plan to follow her suggestions...they sound pretty good. Except I plan to modify 'floss with licorice' to 'eat lots of licorice', cause, her way...eew.

Anyways, even if the day is on the lame side of awesome, seeing as how I have to work and then study for Monday's test on Russian myth (unenthusiastic 'yay'), I plan to blog again and tell you all about it (sarcastic exclamation point)!
Good night for now...wish me many happy returns. (Except I like all my gifts, so there won't be any of those. Most are gift certificates so far anyway. Yay- looks like reading week is shaping itself into a no-guilt shopping spree for me!)

Okay, now I'm birthday-rambling. Birthday-logging off now. Good birthday-night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETHANY!!!Love Jamie (the brother)